
Welcome to my blog. I have a passion for clean eating and simple ingredients! Your best life is right around the corner. What if it all works out? ✨

Ways To Thrive

I’m currently studying online to become a certified holistic health coach (at the end of March)!

I’ve been learning so much, and one thing I’ve learned to a tee is that being healthy is so much more than just eating right...

We can be healthy physically, but sick spiritually... And vice versa.

top Health Foundations:

Being in a room with natural light can give us clear, renewed energy and can help shut off melatonin production at night. So be sure to open your windows and blinds in the morning and drink your cup of coffee or tea by natural light!

  1. Air 
    • Practice diaphragmatic breathing... Breathe in fully (allowing the belly to move outward), and imagine the lungs filling from the bottom up. Do this until it becomes second nature to you!

  2. Water
    • Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every single day.

  3. Food
    • Eat real food! Eat a diet consisting of mainly fruits and vegetables with grass-fed, pasture-raised, organic protein.

  4. Sunlight 
    • Get outside for 15 minutes each day! It will increase Vitamin D production in your skin and can make you a happier, more well-rounded person

  5. Exercise
    • Move your body every single day! It will increase your heart rate and get better blood flow to your brain.

  6. Rest
    • 8 hours of sleep each night is recommended!

  7. Balanced Emotions
    1. Write in a journal every single day… It has helped me so much!!!

    2. It might help you discover the root cause of why you may be feeling one way or another, acting in a certain way, etc.

    3. If you don’t know what to write, write down your Goals and Gratitudes!

    4. Write a list of everything you hope to accomplish in the day (GOALS) and then everything you are thankful for (GRATITUDES) in that moment. It’s so fun to look back

If something triggers a negative response from you, pause, reflect, and then decide to act or not act on it... “ACT, DON’T REACT.”

Some Good Takeaways…


A diet rich in mainly fruits and vegetables with some meat and poultry is optimal...

Although, we are all different and what you need may be totally different from what your husband, wife, or coworker may need...

As unimportant as this may seem, try to get your produce Non-GMO and organic!

The nutrients of the fruit and vegetable are stripped bare when they’re genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides and chemicals… Not to mention it could wreak havoc on our digestion.

Here’s the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list for 2019. Hello organic strawberries and spinach!

In terms of actual food, try to eat the rainbow (fruits and vegetables) and definitely switch it up!


Remember to breathe…

Habits, Routines, and Lifestyles take time

Start by buying a cute journal or a water bottle! Get healthy inside-out… 
Go on a 20 minute walk outside! Lift some weights at the gym… You won’t regret it. 
Go to bed tonight and turn your phone on Airplane mode! SO important!
Get lost in a good book…

Essential Oils

I am so excited to talk about Essential Oils in my next post. I am going to elaborate on the top oils and uses. I had no idea I was using my doTERRA oils incorrectly until now…

How To Use Essential Oils

6 Minute Soft-Boiled Eggs