
Welcome to my blog. I have a passion for clean eating and simple ingredients! Your best life is right around the corner. What if it all works out? ✨

πŸ’Š: Why Supplement?

πŸ’Š: Why Supplement?

What you see is not always what you get…


A healthy, organic, all-natural diet should contain most of its nutrients needed to sustain our health. Sadly, due to poor-soil quality and GMO’s being placed in our foods, this isn’t happening anymore! Healthy food and its seeds (like those in fruits and vegetables) are being hybridized and stripped of its nutrients. Farmers are now putting dyes in our fish now and pesticides in our fruits and vegetables to help them live longer and grow taller and look better… So sad!

What can I do today to better my health?

Look for this sign on all your labels!

Look for this sign on all your labels!

  1. Buy organic! When you buy organic, you at least know you’re buying food that hasn’t been chemically altered or sprayed with pesticides.

  2. Support local farmers! Buy your produce from local farmers markets. Research markets in your area and go from there.

  3. Supplement! I take a high-quality fish oil (Abundant Brain/Omega), probiotic (Abundant Digestion- to help build a healthy gut flora), vitamin d (Abundant Sunshine D3 w/ K2), and adrenal supplement (Abundant Adrenals).

πŸ”Œ: The Gut & Brain Connection

πŸ”Œ: The Gut & Brain Connection

🍫: My Grandma's Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (Made Well)

🍫: My Grandma's Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (Made Well)