
Welcome to my blog. I have a passion for clean eating and simple ingredients! Your best life is right around the corner. What if it all works out? ✨

 🍑: Why We Should Shop At Farmer's Markets

🍑: Why We Should Shop At Farmer's Markets


Besides getting the freshest fruit, vegetables, and produce around, there’s a lot of reasons you will want to shop at the Farmer’s Markets this year!


Reason #1: Grocery stores’ produce was most likely picked months ago... Yes, you read that right, months, not weeks ago 😳. Imagine eating an apple picked yesterday compared to eating an apple picked in June… The difference in flavor and nutrients! 🤯

Reason #2: You’re literally putting your money where your mouth is! You are supporting a small business and a great cause. You’re keeping their land and farm alive.

Reason #3: Similar to Reason #2, every time you buy from a small business or purchase their products at the store, you’re in turn supporting them and keeping them market and rotation! The health and wellness space is booming right now, because that’s what consumers want! Big companies like Walmart and Target will allot space for the Wellness trends if that’s what the consumers want to see and buy more of!

🐠: The 5 Healthiest Fish To Eat

🐠: The 5 Healthiest Fish To Eat

💚: 5 Guidelines To Perfect Health

💚: 5 Guidelines To Perfect Health